Craft Shows

Come along and see me in person. My coming shows are listed here

12th August Salisbury Guildhall – 10am – 4pm – organised by Myntimage
28th August Emsworth Horticultural Show
29th Sept – 1st Oct The Garden Show at Broadlands – 10am – 4pm
7th Oct Guildford Guildhall 10am – 5pm – organised by MyntImage
14th Oct Bournemouth Citygate church 11-5pm – Organised by Craft & Flea
4th – 5th Nov Wickham/Fareham Christmas Market Fareham Leisure Centre – Organised by Funyard Events
11th Nov The Assembly Rooms Chichester – 10am – 4pm – organised by MyntImage
25th – 26th Nov Advent – A Christmas Experience & Market at Weald and Downland Living Museum
1st – 3rd Dec The Christmas Festival at One Church, Emsworth, Hampshire PO10 8BN
16th – 17th Dec Royal Armouries Fort Nelson Christmas Market

20th May Guildford Cathedral organised by Craft & Flea
This turned out to be my best craft market so far this year. Guildford Cathedral is a lovely large and very spacious building and a great setting for over 50 craft stalls. As always the show was very well organised and promoted by Craft and Flea with lots of visitors.

3rd June Guildford Guildhall 10am – 5pm – organised by MyntImage – Good show – I tried a different car park and was able to pack up and leave more quickly this time.
9th – 11th June Stanstead Garden Show 10am – 5pm – at Stanstead House PO9 6DX – This is always a great show and this year it was HOT HOT HOT!!! So hot that I think lots of people avoided the marquees so sales weren’t great.
17th June Portchester Gala – in Portchester Castle – This was a very busy shoe but sales were slow.
1st July Guildford Guildhall 10am – 5pm – organised by MyntImage – Good show but packing up at the end of the day is difficult due to access restrictions.
25th-27th July The New Forest Show – Wow what a show, never been to the show before as a visitor let alone a trader. Weather was mixed but it was very busy every day. Sales increased each day and overall were very good. But was utterly exhausted at the end having got there for just aver 7am each day and didn’t get home till after 7pm each evening. Well worth going.